Think Together » Think Together

Think Together

Think Together
Hello Parents and Community of Van Wig Elementary,


We are excited to announce Think Together will be providing After School programs for Van Wig Elementary. Think Together will be running program from bell to 6 PM every school day beginning on the first day of school.

Think Together will be providing students with Homework Support, Sports, STEAM Enrichment activities, Social Emotional Learning and many more activities based on student input.

If you are interested in having your student participate in Think Together click or scan below.

Fill out our “Intend to Apply” survey and we will contact you with next steps for your students to be enrolled in our Think Together After School Program.

Scan  QR Code

Click: Intend To Apply Link

Our Think Team is excited to continue another year with the Wildcat community and we are excited to see students.

For any questions: Please call/text or email the Site Coordinator, Melissa Valdivia, at (626) 271-5621 or [email protected]g